Artificial Intelligence and Environmental, Social, and Governance
A company that has interests in positive Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is a company that is more ethical and sustainable. When a company has effective ESG principles in place, its policies and actions support continuous improvement of environmental performance, social aspects, and how they govern business.

When a company initiates and successfully executes ESG initiatives, they show the world that they care about the environment, treat their employees and others (communities, clients, customers, and shareholders) with respect and that the business is run sustainably and fairly.

Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into business operations can help companies with ESG goals become more sustainable and ethical. As a result, all three principles will become stronger, improving and supporting the set ESG targets of a company.


AI software will help protect workers and communities from environmental catastrophes such as fires or spilled chemicals. For example, if a fire occurs or smoke is detected, AI technology can send an emergency alert to inform the building occupants of the dangerous situation. This emergency alert will notify the employees of the smoke or fire, where the location is, and encourage them to call 911. Real-time detection and automatic reporting will protect employees to ensure they can quickly evacuate the building. This will also minimize property damage.

If a spill occurs of hazardous chemicals, AI can detect it and send notifications to ensure it is mitigated promptly. Spills could potentially leak outside of a facility can cause severe environmental complications that could contaminate waterways and land. AI software can help prevent these disasters from occurring. When a company has software that can detect issues, it is more likely to have a better environmental program that protects its employees and the communities surrounding the facility.


Being able to detect unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, and near misses with AI will help prevent accidents in the future. The automatic reporting of the software will protect employees and keep them safe at work so the issue can be quickly resolved. The software can detect what happened, where, and when the issue occurred, allowing data trends to accumulate. Data analytics will help the company understand the problems, take action, and create systems to prevent the issues in the future. Companies should strive to have the safest workplace possible. Keeping employees safe from harm at work is one of the best ways to show that a company cares about their well-being. AI software will ensure that risk is managed, and managing risk from an ethical standpoint is the right thing to do.


It’s essential to have a good reputation around the world and in the community. When a company has minimal, minor, or even zero environmental or safety incidents, it shows others in the community that they care about employees and the environment and are doing everything feasible to prevent these occurrences. Ensuring the facility complies with environmental, health, and safety regulations and laws ensures that the company is sustainable and ethical. If a company has minimal incidents, they’re less likely to have substantial fines and workplace injuries that could lead to financial hardship in the company, including legal fees and direct and indirect costs.

Implementing real-time detection software into a facility will help companies with ESG goals to ensure a more sustainable and ethical future for employees and the communities in which they live.

Author: Brandy Bossle, CSP, ASP, CSD
Brandy Bossle is Triangle Safety Consulting LLC’s Owner and Principal Consultant.

Brandy has extensive experience in Occupational Safety and Health.
Her roles have included:

  • Industrial Hygiene Consultant.
  • Environmental, Health, and Safety Specialist in the private sector for a large manufacturing facility of over 700 employees.
  • Corporate Environmental and Safety Manager for a leading manufacturer and supplier of electrical components with over 14,000 employees.

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