Do you lack skilled workforce? Do you have difficulties to retain workers? Are your costs rising while your productivity is decreasing? Safety software can solve those problems.

Getting and retaining a skilled workforce have never been more difficult in the manufacturing industry than it is today. Hiring and training a new workforce requires a lot of time and money, but such investments are not always successful for the company if an employee leaves the company shortly after training. 

Even though there are many jobs in the manufacturing industry, it either takes a long time to find the right person or employers struggle to find the right skillset for the job. Thus, not only the time and cost factors become important, but it jeopardizes productivity and efficiency.

According to Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute research, “89% of executives agree there is a talent shortage in the US manufacturing sector” and “more than half of the open jobs in 2028 (2.4 million) could remain unfilled”.

The main reasons for this are lack of interest and the lack of qualifications, but can we be sure that this lack of success depends on these alone?

The baby boomer age group will soon reach retirement age, which will further widen the gap in manufacturing skills. The new generation, the millennial age group, has higher expectations not only of themselves but also of the companies they work for. 

This age group strives to have a job where they have opportunities for development, get listen to and accept their views, and can be a member of a strong team or community. In contrast, manufacturing jobs are thought to be –  dangerous because of near-misses, occurred incidents, and tragic accidents.

But even if companies manage to hire the right persons, can they keep them? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Most of them leave their jobs after a year to secure a lifelong career in another – safer – industry.

Companies need to move quickly to find a solution to this problem, since soon this age group will make up the entire labor market.

“89% of executives agree there is a talent shortage in the US manufacturing sector” and “more than half of the open jobs in 2028 (2.4 million) could remain unfilled”

Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute Tweet

Safety education and training are the key in the retention of employees, however, barely providing training would not live up to the goals and expectation of millennials. Companies must involve and listen to their workers’ opinion and ideas to create safe and healthy work environment.

And this is where safety digitalization can help. Artificial intelligence detects with nearly 100% accuracy, uncovers and shows the frequency of near-miss incidents and provides real-time analytics on workplace hazards. Thanks to the analysis from the software side, safety managers can specify in which area potential accident can happen, but can also initiate open dialogues during education or training programs to jointly find a solution to reduce incident risks. 

Be global safety enables also better safety culture that could fill the employees with confidence and trust, but also opportunity for improvement. With the proper detection and analysis of near miss incidents, be global safety software offers solution to safety managers to establish better training programs, create a better working environment, and also increase productivity and efficiency.

See how Be Global Safety can be applied in your facility

What strategies do you use to retain your skilled workforce?

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